Physical Activity to Modify Sequelae and Quality of Life in Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

Conditions:Blood Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:4 - 18
Start Date:November 2009
End Date:May 2015

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Physical Activity to Modify Sequelae and Quality of Life in Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: A Nursing Trial

This will be the first multidisciplinary, randomized, longitudinal trial of a tailored,
parent- and child-focused physical activity program for children (ages 4- <19 years) with
newly diagnosed ALL. It will test the ability of the intervention to prevent or diminish
early physical function limitations and improve health-related quality of life (HRQL). The
intervention will be tested for its effect on: 1) physical function outcomes (muscle
strength, range of motion, endurance, gross motor skills), bone density and bone mineral
content (end of therapy only); and 2) HRQL. This multi-site trial will test the intervention
in 76 evaluable children with ALL (38 receiving the intervention and 38 receiving a placebo
"minimal movement" standard care strategy).

An advanced practice nurse (APN) will meet twice weekly with the patient and family for the
first 4 weeks of the intervention to initiate the motivation-based dialogue and therapeutic
interaction; this will be followed by once weekly visits during weeks 5-8 of the
intervention; and monthly visits during weeks 9-through end of therapy. The physical
therapist (PT) will meet at least once weekly with the patient and family during weeks 1-4
to initiate the prescriptive tailored exercise program; subsequent visits to reinforce and
modify the program will occur at least once every other week during weeks 5-8, and at least
once monthly during weeks 9-135 of the intervention. The PT will visit at least once weekly
during weeks 1-4, at least once every other week during weeks 5-8, and at least once monthly
during weeks 9-135. During weeks 9-135 of the intervention, the APN will call between the
monthly in person-visits, if needed to those randomized to the MAP group to assure fidelity
to the intervention and to provide booster support to the intervention where needed.

Inclusion Criteria:

1. An immunophenotypic diagnosis of non-B cell ALL

2. Age 4 years through <19 years at diagnosis

3. 2-8 days on or per front line ALL treatment protocol

4. One parent or legal guardian (≥ 18 years) of the study subject who speaks and
understands the English Language

5. Participant speaks and understands the English language

6. Written informed consent and child assent

Exclusion Criteria:

1. Age < 4 years or ≥19 years at diagnosis

2. A diagnosis of cerebral palsy or down syndrome

3. Second malignancy, chromosome breakage syndrome, or severe congenital

4. Inability or unwillingness of research participant or legal guardian/representative
to give written informed consent/assent

5. Females who are pregnant.
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