Assessing Anterior Cingulate Brain Activity in People With Late-Life Depression

Therapuetic Areas:Psychiatry / Psychology
Age Range:60 - 85
Start Date:July 2005
End Date:May 2010

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Anterior Cingulate Activation in Geriatric Depression

This study will examine differences in activity of the anterior cingulate cortex, a brain
area involved in emotion and cognitive regulation, between older adults with and without

Older adults with depression often also suffer from executive dysfunction—problems with
planning, impulse control, and reasoning. Executive dysfunction in older adults predicts
poor or delayed response to antidepressant treatment and has been associated with early
relapse and recurrence of late-life major depression. Functional magnetic resonance imaging
(fMRI) is a scan that can measure the activity of someone's brain while that person performs
tasks. So far, no fMRI studies investigating cerebral activation patterns in late-life
depression have been published. In this study, people will undergo fMRI while they are
performing an executive function task. Older adults with late-life depression and older
adults without depression will be tested and compared in order to identify the areas and
patterns of brain activity underlying executive dysfunction in late-life depression.

Participation in this study will consist of one study visit, during which participants will
undergo an fMRI scan that will last 60 to 90 minutes. While being scanned, participants will
perform cognitive tasks that involve pressing buttons in response to words viewed on a

Inclusion Criteria for Depressed Participants:

- Diagnosis of major depression by DSM-IV criteria

- Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) score greater than 24

- Severity score of 17 or higher on the 21-item Hamilton Depression Rating Scale score
(HDRS) during the index episode

- Residence less than a 45-minute drive from New York Hospital-Westchester Division

Exclusion Criteria for Depressed Participants:

- Presence of psychotic depression, as defined by Research Diagnostic Criteria and

- History of psychiatric disorders other than unipolar major depression (people with
bipolar disorder and dysthymia will be excluded)

- Presence of dementing disorders

- Acute or severe medical illness, such as the following: delirium; metastatic cancer;
decompensated cardiac, liver, or kidney failure; major surgery; or cerebrovascular
accident or myocardial infarction 3 months prior to study entry

- Receiving drugs known to cause depression, including reserpine, alpha-methyl-dopa,
and steroids

- Requires concomitant treatment with other psychotropics, including antipsychotic
medications, lithium salts, stimulants, valproic acid, carbamazepine, or gabapentin

- Severe aphasia interfering with communication

- Contraindications to magnetic resonance (MR) scanning, such as implanted metal,
claustrophobia, or weight greater than or equal to 300 lbs

Inclusion Criteria for Age-Matched Non-Psychiatric Comparison Sample:

- MMSE score greater than 24

Exclusion Criteria for Age-Matched Non-Psychiatric Comparison Sample:

- History of psychiatric disorder

- Presence of dementing disorders

- Acute or severe medical illness, such as the following: delirium; metastatic cancer;
decompensated cardiac, liver, or kidney failure; major surgery; or cerebrovascular
accident or myocardial infarction 3 months prior to study entry

- Receiving drugs known to cause depression, including reserpine, alpha-methyl-dopa,
and steroids

- Current treatment with psychotropics

- Severe aphasia interfering with communication

- Contraindications to MR scanning, such as implanted metal, claustrophobia, or weight
greater than or equal to 300 lbs
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