Effect of Case-Management Using Home Monitoring on Diabetes and Blood Pressure Outcomes

Therapuetic Areas:Endocrinology
Age Range:Any
Start Date:June 2009
End Date:March 2011

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Effect of Nurse-Based, Protocol-Driven, Case-Management Utilizing Home Telemonitoring and Home HbA1c Measurement on Diabetes and Blood Pressure Outcomes

This is a randomized trial designed to determine if adoption of the chronic care model in
conjunction with nurse case management, home telemonitoring, and home HbA1c monitoring can
improve glycemic control compared to patients receiving usual case management. We
hypothesize that nurse case management, with home telemonitoring of blood sugars and home
HbA1c measurement will result in additional improvements in glycemic control compared to
isolated nurse case management. Specifically, the telemonitoring group will have an HbA1c
0.5% lower compared to usual nurse case management. Secondary aims include an additional 5
mmHg improvement in systolic blood pressure (among patients with hypertension at the time of
enrollment), improved patient satisfaction with treatment, improved medication adherence,
reduced incidence of hypoglycemia, and reduced case manager time in the telemonitoring/home
HbA1c group compared with usual caes management. The study will enroll 460 diabetic
patients with HbA1c values greater than 8.5%, age 75 years or younger, who have a active
land-line for telephone communication. Patients will be enrolled and actively case managed
for 9 months.

We found this trial at
Long Beach, California 90822
Long Beach, CA
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