Females With Severe or Moderate Hemophilia A or B: an International Multi-center Study

Conditions:Anemia, Hematology
Therapuetic Areas:Hematology
Age Range:Any
Start Date:March 2008
End Date:January 2012
Contact:Constance Gibb

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This is a multi-center, international study designed to collect clinical, genetic and
quality of life information on females with hemophilia, an inherited bleeding disorder. The
study is designed to determine whether there are problems and issues unique to females with

The study involves two questionnaires: one on the diagnosis, symptoms, complications and
treatment of each participant to be completed by a staff member; the other is a
questionnaire to be completed by the participant on how the disease has affected her life.
Finally, for those participants who have not previously had genetic testing, the third part
of the study is an optional blood test to determine the genetic cause, what change in the
factor VIII or factor IX gene, caused the hemophilia. The test results will be available to
those participants who wish to learn their results. With the data we collect we will compile
a database to examine the connection between the genetic cause of hemophilia and the course
and symptoms of the disease.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Females with severe (FVIII<0.01u/ml) or moderate (FVIII 0.01≤0.05 u/ml) hemophilia A

- Females with severe (FIX<0.01u/ml) or moderate (FIX 0.01≤0.05u/ml) hemophilia B

- Willingness to participate in the study.

Exclusion Criteria:

- Subjects who do not meet the inclusion criteria with respect to gender or hemophilia
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White Plains, New York 10605
White Plains, NY
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