Interventions for HIV Negative Men and Women Who Have High-risk Suspected Exposure to HIV

Conditions:HIV / AIDS
Therapuetic Areas:Immunology / Infectious Diseases
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:March 2010
End Date:August 2011

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A Pilot Project to Operationalize the Prevention Strategy of Post Exposure Prophylaxis Following Sexual Exposure to HIV in Combination With Educational Programming and Behavioral Risk Reduction Strategies in Los Angeles County

The purpose of this program is to evaluate an effort to provide a comprehensive package of
HIV prevention services of which post-exposure prophylaxis (medicines that may help prevent
HIV infection after an exposure) can be a part. It will also include risk reduction
information and testing for other sexually transmitted infections.

The Los Angeles County P-QUAD program is a combined effort of County, City, public health,
community, academic, and private agencies and individuals in an effort to provide a
comprehensive package of HIV prevention services of which PEP can be an integral component.
These services are designed to be easily accessible, non-judgmental, culturally, ethnically,
and linguistically appropriate to the relevant populations, community-based, and independent
of ability to pay or insurance/documentation status. They will also provide vital linkages to
associated services, routine HIV testing, and primary health care.

In its initial pilot project, 2 community-based sites will serve as facilities at which
patients may present for screening for post-exposure prophylaxis services, as well as
sexually transmitted diseases. At the sites, initial eligibility and testing will be
performed, and an initial 14-day supply of PEP medications will be provided if appropriate,
and referrals will be initiated. All subjects who are provided an initial 14-day supply will
be required to return to the site for the remainder of the 28-day course of medication,
follow-up testing, adherence counseling, risk-reduction programming, and other appropriate
referrals. Follow-up with patients by phone, email, and mobile-phone text message will be
used as appropriate to maximize program retention.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Patients must be at least 18 years of age

- Able to understand and provide consent

- High-Risk Exposure Characteristic

- (one or more of the below, unprotected or with failed condom use)

- Receptive Anal Intercourse

- Insertive Anal Intercourse

- Receptive Vaginal Intercourse

- Insertive Vaginal Intercourse

- Receptive Oral Intercourse with Intraoral Ejaculation with known HIV+ source
(supersedes all "high-risk source" criteria below)

- Sharing injection drug works which have been intravascular

- High-Risk Source (one or more of the below)

- Known HIV positive





- Sexual perpetrator

- From an endemic country (prevalence >1%)

- Partner of one of the above

- Exposure within 72 hours of presentation

- Not known to be HIV positive

- No countermanding concomitant medications or allergies

- HIV-negative on presentation and without symptoms of PHI (do not withhold first dose
pending these laboratory assessments).

Exclusion Criteria:

- Patients <18 years of age

- Unable to understand and provide consent

- Exposure >72 hours of presentation

- Known to be HIV positive

- Currently in-progress of a course of PEP initiated via non-P-QUAD mechanisms

- Any condition, which in the opinion of the intake provider, will seriously compromise
the patient's ability to comply with the protocol, including

- adherence to PEP medication dosing

- Demonstrated HIV-positive on rapid testing

- Unwillingness to commit to barrier-method (male and/or female condom) use until
HIV-negative-status is confirmed 6 months after exposure

- Unwillingness of breast-feeding women to transition to formula feeding
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