Comparing Two Types of Swabs in Collecting Cell Samples for Anal Pap Tests and Human Papillomavirus Tests in Men Who Have Sex With Men

Status:Active, not recruiting
Conditions:Colorectal Cancer, Cancer, Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:March 2009
End Date:January 2017

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Comparison of Flocked vs. Dacron Swab for Anal Cytology, Correspondence With High Resolution Anoscopy

RATIONALE: Doctors use a swab to collect cell samples when testing for anal cancer and human
papillomavirus. It is not yet known which type of swab is more effective in collecting cell
samples for anal Pap tests and human papillomavirus tests in men who have sex with men.

PURPOSE: This clinical trial is comparing two types of swabs in collecting cell samples for
anal Pap tests and human papillomavirus tests in men who have sex with men.


- To determine whether the anal cytology screening outcome derived from specimens
collected by a flocked nylon swab are equivalent to those derived from Dacron swab
specimens in men who have sex with men.

- To determine whether the number and type-specific identification for human
papillomavirus derived from specimens collected by a flocked nylon swab are equivalent
to those derived from Dacron swab specimens.

OUTLINE: Dry sterile Dacron swabs and flocked nylon swabs are used to collect intra-anal
cytology specimens for anal Pap testing and human papillomavirus typing. Participants
undergo a digital rectal examination and high-resolution anoscopy. If lesions are
identified, an anal biopsy is performed for histological examination.

Inclusion Criteria:

- HIV-infected or -uninfected adult men who have sex with men

- Concurrent enrollment in the Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study required

Exclusion Criteria:

- history of anal perforation or other medical contraindications
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