Cancer: Thriving and Surviving Online Workshop and Study for Cancer Survivors

Conditions:Breast Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Colorectal Cancer, Cancer, Cancer, Blood Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:Any
Start Date:July 2009
End Date:December 2011
Contact:Kathryn Plant, MPH
Phone:(650) 723-4863

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Cancer Survivors Online Self-Management Workshop

Cancer: Surviving and Thriving is a 6-week workshop for cancer survivors. The overall goal
of the study is to determine whether an online cancer survivor education and support
workshop can have lasting beneficial effects in helping survivors improve their
self-management of health skills and quality of life.

This workshop is aimed at helping you better manage your own health and the demands placed
on you because of your cancer diagnosis. It is hoped that the workshop will give you the
skills needed to reduce stress and improve your quality of life. If successful, the workshop
can be made available to other cancer survivors.

Each workshop is 6 weeks with new lessons each week. You will be asked to log on at your
convenience 2-3 times each week for a total of 1-2 hours, to read the lessons, complete
assignments, and share your ideas and experiences with your classmates. There are no
requirements that participants log in at the same time.

With the moderators and other workshop participants, you will discuss:

- Healthy eating

- Managing fatigue

- Managing stress

- Starting and maintaining an appropriate physical activity program

- Getting a good night's sleep

- Dealing with difficult emotions

- Solving the problems caused by having had cancer

- Communicating better with your health care professionals

- Communicating better with your friends, family and coworkers

Inclusion Criteria:Any adult (19 and over) cancer survivor living in the United States
who: 1) was diagnosed within the past 5 years with a new or recurring cancer since the
original diagnosis; 2) has completed their cancer treatment (surgery, radiation and/or
chemotherapy); 3) isn't currently being treated for cancer except for hormonal therapy;
and 4) has and email account and access to high speed internet connection.

Exclusion Criteria:Not meeting the inclusion criteria
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