Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) Levels in Brain Tumor Patients

Conditions:Brain Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:Any
Start Date:September 2009
End Date:January 2012

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Is VEGF a Useful Serum Biomarker for Patients Diagnosed With Meningioma or Glioma?

Objectives: This study is looking at the level of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)
circulating in the blood stream of patients diagnosed with either a meningioma or a glioma.
The questions that will be addressed include:

1. Can VEGF level alert us to tumor progression or recurrence before MRI changes occur?

2. Is the VEGF level an indicator of the response to treatment?

3. Does the VEGF level correlate with tumor histology and behavior?

4. Is there a relationship between VEGF level and outcome?

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Marquette, Michigan 49855
Marquette, MI
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