Homeopathic Ear Drops for Otitis Media Study

Conditions:Other Indications, Infectious Disease
Therapuetic Areas:Immunology / Infectious Diseases, Other
Age Range:Any - 11
Start Date:October 2009
End Date:December 2013

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Homeopathic Ear Drops for Children With Otitis Media Study

The purpose of this study is to determine if a commercially available homeopathic ear drop
preparation is effective in reducing symptoms in children 6 months - 11 years old with acute
otitis media in whom the health care provider has recommended that antibiotics not be
immediately administered. A total of 150 study patients with otitis media will be randomized
to receive homeopathic ear drops, or no ear drops, in addition to receiving standard care. It
is postulated that children using the ear drops will have more rapid resolution of symptoms
and need fewer antibiotics than those randomized to not receive the ear drops.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Age 6 months - 11 years old

- Diagnosed with otitis media by clinician at participating clinic

- Clinician determines that a "watch and wait" antibiotic prescription treatment plan is
optimal management

Exclusion Criteria:

- Antibiotic treatment during past 7 days

- Homeopathic treatment within past 30 days

- History of serious chronic illness (e.g. diabetes, autoimmune disease, cystic fibrosis

- Perforated tympanic membrane

- Immediate antibiotic treatment plan decided by examining clinician
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