Medications for Chronic HIV: Education and Collaboration

Conditions:Infectious Disease, HIV / AIDS
Therapuetic Areas:Immunology / Infectious Diseases
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:December 2009
End Date:December 2017

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Implementing Computerized Clinical Assessment of HIV Patient Adherence

This study will examine whether a computerized, self-administered assessment of patient
medication adherence and health behaviors, plus support for adherence, improves the ability
of clinicians to identify adherence problems and leads to better adherence.

Antiretroviral medications are highly effective in controlling HIV, if patients adhere to the
regimen. However, HIV medication adherence problems are very common, and evidence is clear
that providers have great difficulty 'diagnosing' poor adherence accurately. If healthcare
providers can identify patients with adherence problems, they can intervene to help patients
overcome these problems and take their medications as prescribed, which can improve symptoms
and quality and length of life. Both clinicians and HIV positive patients will be recruited
to this study. Before each clinic visit, patients randomized to the intervention will be
asked to answer questions about their medications, medication-taking behavior, and
risk-factors for non-adherence on MedCHEC, a tablet touch-screen computer that generates
provider and patient reports. We will give these reports to the provider and patient to
assist with the clinical visit. Based on the MedCHEC-generated report, the patient may be
referred to an Adherence Care Manager (ACM). The ACM will assist the patient in overcoming
adherence barriers by telephone and in-clinic counseling. The study will evaluate the effects
of this system on adherence and clinical care using both quantitative methods (randomized
controlled trials of effects on adherence and providers' adherence estimates), and
qualitative methods.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Over 18 years of age

- Confirmed HIV-positive

- On or newly starting antiretroviral medication for HIV

- Under treatment at one of the study sites

- Available by telephone

Exclusion Criteria:

- Clinically diagnosed by provider with significant cognitive impairment, or Mini-Mental
Status Exam score less than or equal to 22

- Inability to read English

- Inability or refusal to use MedCHEC touch-screen computer

- Inability or refusal to use any form of electronic drug monitoring device (MEMS)

- Never available by telephone
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