Noninvasive Blood Glucose Monitoring Using Otoacoustic Emissions

Therapuetic Areas:Endocrinology
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:June 2006
End Date:June 2010
Contact:Peter G Jacobs, MSEE

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The purpose of the research is to determine whether a noninvasive hearing test may be used
to predict blood glucose in people with diabetes.

Participation in the study will involve listening to sounds through earphones while blood
glucose levels are measured by taking blood samples using a lancet. During the study, blood
glucose levels will be increased by drinking a beverage containing sugar.

Up to five visits to the NCRAR will be needed over a six-month period to complete the study.
Each visit lasts either two or four hours, and will be scheduled at your convenience. You
will be paid $20 for the first 2-hour screening visit and $50 for each 4-hour visit. You
will be paid $30 if you are selected to participate in a 2-hour Attention Correlation Test
that a sub-set of 10 participants will complete.

Inclusion Criteria:

- 18 years or older

- Diabetes

- Normal hearing

- Hemoglobin A1C of 5.5-8%

Exclusion Criteria:

- Volunteers may not participate if they have peripheral neuropathy

- visual impairment due to diabetic retinopathy

- organ failure (kidney, liver heart, or lungs)

- severe or unstable cardiovascular disease

- active alcohol or drug abuse

- schizophrenia

- bipolar disorder

- active major depressive disorder

- active foot ulcerations

- active viral or other infections such as HIV

- hepatitis, or pneumonia

- serious renal

- cardiac or cognitive dysfunction.
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