Correlation Between Vitamin D Status and Bone Mineral Density in Patients With Hemophilia

Conditions:Other Indications, Anemia, Gastrointestinal, Hematology
Therapuetic Areas:Gastroenterology, Hematology, Other
Age Range:2 - 21
Start Date:March 2010
End Date:April 2012

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Study will look at baseline Vitamin D levels, calcium, albumin, liver enzymes, testosterone,
osteocalcin, urine N telopeptides, bone mineral density, nutritional assessment and physical
activity assessment of boys with hemophilia A or B (ages 2-20 yrs). Patients with low
vitamin D levels will receive therapeutic doses of Vitamin D. At end of one year follow up
studies will be repeated.

Inclusion Criteria:

- clinical diagnosis of Hemophilia A or B

- ages 2-21 years

Exclusion Criteria:

- therapeutic vitamin D or calcium supplementation within 3 months of study entry
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Richmond, VA
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