Integrating Depression Services Into DM Management

Conditions:Depression, Diabetes
Therapuetic Areas:Endocrinology, Psychiatry / Psychology
Age Range:Any
Start Date:January 2009
End Date:December 2011

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Integrating Depression Services Into Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Management

Despite the increased appreciation for the relationship between diabetes mellitus and
depression, no intervention studies in primary care have focused on the integration of
depression and Type 2 diabetes mellitus treatment. The goal of this proposal is to integrate
depression services into improving adherence for oral hypoglycemic agents so that a single
program can assist patients. The investigators hypothesize that patients in the
intervention will demonstrate improved adherence to patients' entire treatment regimen
including diet and exercise, insulin, oral hypoglycemic agents, antidepressants, and

Many older patients do not take their medications for Type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) as
prescribed by their physician. Depression is common among patients with Type 2 DM and may
be the reason why patients do not take their medications as prescribed. A program in which
Type 2 DM and depression are treated together in primary care would improve the health of
older patients with both Type 2 diabetes and depression and would be practical in real world
practices with competing demands for limited resources. There is an urgent need for research
that can bring potentially life-extending strategies to older patients with both diabetes
and depression. People can better control their Type 2 DM if they treat their depression and
the same strategies can be used to help patients take their medications for both conditions.
In this program patients would be involved in identifying problems with taking their
medicines and working on solutions. The aims of this program would be to improve how
patients take their medications for Type 2 DM and depression as well as blood glucose
control and symptoms of depression over 6 months. To see whether this program works the
investigators will compare the results of patients receiving this program to those who do
not receive the program. Findings may lead to the development of other programs in which
depression and chronic medical conditions are treated together.

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 (215) 662-4000
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