Outpatient Treatment of Gram Positive Wound Infections in the Diabetic Foot: A Pharmaco-economic Comparison of Daptomycin vs. Vancomycin Based Regimens

Conditions:Hospital, Diabetes
Therapuetic Areas:Endocrinology, Other
Age Range:Any
Start Date:July 2010
End Date:August 2011

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Phase IV Study of the Outpatient Treatment of Gram Positive Wound Infections in the Diabetic Foot: A Pharmaco-Economic Comparison of Daptomycin vs Vancomycin Based Regimens

The purpose of the study is to evaluate the overall burden to the participant (economic,
quality of life, patients satisfaction and freedom from side effects) when treating Gram
positive infections of the foot in diabetic adults with daptomycin versus vancomycin.

1. to compare the overall economic burden of therapy of a daptomycin vs. a vancomycin
based antibiotic regimen for diabetic foot infections in the outpatient setting

2. to compare Quality of Life and patient satisfaction among recipients of a daptomycin
vs. a vancomycin based regimen

3. to compare the safety and tolerance (adverse experiences) of daptomycin vs. vancomycin
based regimens

4. to compare the efficacy (complete resolution of infection) of daptomycin vs. vancomycin
based regimens

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