Leukocyte Dysfunction in Diabetic Patients.

Status:Active, not recruiting
Therapuetic Areas:Endocrinology
Age Range:40 - 60
Start Date:March 2010
End Date:December 2018

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The purpose of this study is to study impairment of white blood cell function in patients
with type II diabetes.

Leucocytes from poorly controlled diabetes exhibit aberrant chemotaxis, increased
susceptibility to bacterial infection, leukotriene production, lysosomal enzyme release,
proinflammatory cytokine expression and production of reactive oxygen species. Aberrant
glucose concentration in diabetics affects functions of peripheral blood system as well as
the immune system leading to impaired host defense. Impaired wound healing is a serious
complication associated with diabetes. We hypothesized that impairment in leukocyte function
results in dysfunctional inflammatory response in diabetic wounds. The proposed studies focus
on characterizing mechanisms that will improve our understanding of the dysfunctional
inflammatory response resulting in non-healing chronic wounds in diabetics.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Adults ages 40-60 yrs old clinically diagnosed with Type II Diabetes

- Adults ages 40-60 yrs old without Diabetes

Exclusion Criteria:

- Unable to provide informed consent

- Pregnant Females

- Therapeutically Immuno-compromised
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Columbus, OH
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