The Mechanisms of Manual Therapy in the Treatment of Low Back Pain

Conditions:Back Pain
Therapuetic Areas:Musculoskeletal
Age Range:18 - 60
Start Date:September 2009
End Date:January 2013

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The purpose of this study is to determine whether a novel placebo for comparison to spinal
manipulation is believable and creates similar expectation for treatment effectiveness as
the studied spinal manipulation technique. Additionally, we wish to compare outcomes related
to low back pain, function, and pain sensitivity between people receiving the placebo,
spinal manipulation, and no therapy.

Inclusion Criteria:

- currently experiencing low back pain which does not extend below the knees

- rate the low back pain as a minimum of 4/10 at worst over the past 24 hours

- appropriate for conservative management of low back pain

- english speaking

Exclusion Criteria:

- surgery to the low back over the past 6 months

- systemic disease known to effect sensation

- other chronic pain condition unrelated to low back pain

- fracture as a cause of low back pain
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