A 5 Year Follow-up on Newly Diagnosed Breast Cancer Patients

Conditions:Breast Cancer, Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:November 2008
End Date:August 2015

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A Prospective Study on Newly Diagnosed Breast Cancer Patients: A 5 Year Follow Up on Quality of Life

The purpose of this study is to provide the physicians with quality long term follow up data
on subjects from the Breast Cancer Clinic and the Plastic Surgery Clinic who have been newly
diagnosed with breast cancer and will receive treatment for the cancer at this facility. Over
the last two decades many studies have been done concerning the quality of life after a
mastectomy and/or reconstruction process. The majority of these studies only run for one year
post reconstruction, some however, do include a two year follow up. The investigators are
proposing a 5 year long term follow up study on subjects who will be diagnosed and treated
here at the Breast Cancer Clinic and the Plastic Surgery Clinic. The investigators first
questionnaire will be given prior to any treatment for breast cancer, giving us a baseline
for the subject's current quality of life. At each successive year, the subject will be given
another questionnaire with regards to their progression through the reconstructive process.
At the end of 5 years, the subject will complete a final questionnaire. These questionnaires
will deal with many areas of daily life functions; activities of daily living, anxiety,
depression, social interactions, personal and sexual relationships.

Upon informed consent of subject, a baseline questionnaire will be completed by the subject.
At years 1, 2, 3, and 4 follow up questionnaires will be sent for completion to the subject.
At year 5 a final questionnaire will be sent to the subject for completion.After all subjects
have completed the study, data will be sent to the Department of Biostatics for analysis.

Inclusion Criteria:

Any female age 18 or over that has been diagnosed with breast cancer and has been treated
and followed in the Breast Cancer Clinic and the Plastic Surgery Clinic is eligible for
study participation.

Exclusion Criteria:

Any person not meeting these requirements will not be eligible for study participation.
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Winston-Salem, NC
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