National Wilm's Tumor Study Late Effects

Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:18 - 85
Start Date:September 2005
End Date:December 2011
Contact:Sindy Midoro

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The Late Effects Study is being conducted in order to answer scientific questions and to
serve as a resource for Wilms tumor patients and their families. Patients must have been
enrolled on the NWTS-5 protocol in order to be eligible for this study.

The Late Effects Study is being conducted in order to answer scientific questions and to
serve as a resource for Wilms tumor patients and their families. Although most people in
this study enjoy good health, some may be at risk for certain health conditions. We are
collecting information from as many participants as possible in order to determine if they
or their offspring are at risk for adverse medical conditions. If there is more than one
case of Wilms tumor in a given family, we plan to work with geneticists to try to estimate
heritability and recurrence risks.

Inclusion Criteria:

Previously enrolled in NWTS 5.
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