Pregabalin on Colonic Motor and Sensory Function in Constipation Predominant Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Conditions:Constipation, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Therapuetic Areas:Gastroenterology
Age Range:Any
Start Date:April 2011
End Date:March 2013
Contact:Irene A Busciglio, BS

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Effect of Pregabalin on Colonic Motor and Sensory Function in Adults With Irritable Bowel Syndrome With Predominant Constipation

The general aim of the current study is to describe the effect of pregabalin on colonic and
sensory functions in Adults with Constipation Predominant Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

Specific aims of the protocol:

1. To quantify the effect of a single administration of 200mg pregabalin on colonic
sensory and motor functions in constipation predominant IBS adults.

2. To assess the potential relationship between any analgesic properties of pregabalin and
its effect on compliance in constipation predominant IBS adults.

3. To estimate if pregabalin 200mg dose reduces colonic sensation ratings and increases
pain thresholds by 50% related to placebo.

Inclusion criteria:

Male or females with Constipation Predominant IBS, age 18-65

Exclusion criteria:

1. abdominal surgery other than appendectomy, laparoscopic cholecystectomy, cesarean
section, vaginal or laparoscopic hysterectomy or tubal ligation,

2. uncontrolled hypertension,

3. use of medications that may interact with the study medication,

4. use of any of the study medications within the past 30 days,

5. pregnancy,

6. history of chronic renal insufficiency (serum creatinine >1.5mg/dL) and

7. psychiatric or psychologic dysfunction

8. current pelvic floor dysfunction
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