Use of Zolpidem in Parkinson's Disease

Conditions:Parkinsons Disease
Therapuetic Areas:Neurology
Age Range:Any
Start Date:September 2011
End Date:September 2013
Contact:Leo Verhagen, MD PhD

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A Randomized, Controlled, Double-Blind, Cross-over Study of Zolpidem for Patients With Parkinson's Disease

Levodopa treatment is associated with long-term complications. Dopamine deficiency is
associated with abnormal activity in certain parts of the brain. Zolpidem may change this
abnormal activity and, by doing so, may work in a different way than levodopa to help

The working hypothesis for this aim is that ZLP is superior to placebo in acutely improving
motor symptoms of PD. The investigators will conduct a randomized,controlled, double-blind,
cross-over study in 40 patients with PD. Each patient will receive placebo, levodopa and 2
doses of ZLP in a randomized order on 4 different occasions, about one week apart.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Subjects will have Idiopathic Parkinson's disease according to diagnostic criteria of
the United Kingdom Parkinson's Disease Society Brain Bank.

- Subjects will be capable and willing to provide written informed consent prior to

- Subjects will be ambulatory (in ON- and OFF-states) men and women, between the ages
of 30 and 75 years.

- Subjects will be on levodopa therapy, with a good response and indisputable motor

- All other PD medications are allowed.

- Subjects will be on a stable regimen of PD medications for 2 weeks prior to

- Subjects will be required to come with a caregiver who can accompany the subject
to/from each study visit. Note: Subjects will not be allowed to drive home.

- Female subjects will be advised to use adequate birth control throughout the study as
the effects of ZLP on the fetus are unknown. Adequate birth control methods include
surgical sterilization, a partner who has had a vasectomy, oral contraceptives,
condom plus spermicidal cream/jelly, cervical cap plus spermicidal cream/jelly,
diaphragm plus spermicidal cream/jelly, or intrauterine device (in place for at least
3 months) plus spermicidal cream/jelly. Abstinence is considered an acceptable
contraceptive regimen. If a subject becomes pregnant during the study, it is
important that they contact the study physician immediately.

Exclusion Criteria:

- Neurodegenerative diseases.

- Tremor predominant PD, with a score of > 2 in more than one body part.

- Inability to tolerate being off levodopa for 12 hours.

- A score on the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) of less than 26.

- Pregnancy or lactation.

- History of drug or alcohol abuse.

- Known or suspected sensitivity to the investigational study drugs.

- Other known medical or psychiatric condition that may compromise participation in the
study or that judged by the site investigator could disqualify a subject from
entering the study.

- Participation in another investigational drug study whereby they received
experimental drug < 30 days prior to start of this study.

- Subjects who have undergone surgical procedures for PD but otherwise meet inclusion
criteria will not be excluded a priori but evaluated on an individual basis.
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