A Clinical Trial to Evaluate a Corneal Inlay for the Improvement of Near Vision in Presbyopic Patients

Therapuetic Areas:Ophthalmology
Age Range:35 - 65
Start Date:April 2010
End Date:December 2016

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A Prospective, Multinational Multicenter Clinical Trial to Evaluate the Safety and Effectiveness of the ReVision Optics, Inc. PresbyLens Corneal Inlay for the Improvement of Near Vision in Presbyopic Subjects With MRSE From -0.50 to +1.00

This study will be a prospective, multicenter clinical trial in which a total of 400 subjects
will be enrolled. All subjects will be followed over a 36 month time frame with a maximum of
15 clinical sites participating. Qualified subjects will provide informed consent for entry
into the study.

The loss of near vision and the ability to perform tasks that require near vision is part of
the normal aging process. This natural transformation in the eye occurs as a result of the
loss of accommodation of the crystalline lens, a condition known as presbyopia. Presbyopia,
characterized by a progressive, age-related loss of accommodation (i.e., the lens ability to
focus clearly over a wide range of distances), is most prevalent of all visual deficiencies,
affecting 100% of the population over the course of a normal life span. Loss of accommodation
begins early in life and, for an emmetropic eye, generally culminates in a complete loss of
functional near vision.

ReVision Optics has developed the Raindrop corneal inlay for the correction of near vision.
The Raindrop is a 2mm corneal inlay, as small as a pinhead, thinner than a human hair and
about 1/500th of a droplet of water. The inlay is the same refractive index as the human
cornea. The inlay is placed in the non-dominant eye,centered over the pupil after a corneal
flap (LASIK)has been made. The Raindrop is expected to provide presbyopic subjects with
improvement of near and intermediate vision.

Inclusion Criteria:

must be presbyopic adults, needing from +1.50 to +2.50 or reading add must have uncorrected
near visual acuity worse than 20/40 and better than 20/200in the eye to be implanted must
have an uncorrected distance visual acuity of 20/25 or better in both eyes must have a
distance visual acuity correctable to 20/20 in both eyes must have a near visual acuity
correctable to 20/20 in both eyes must have a manifest refraction spherical equivalent
between -0.50 and +1.00D in the eye to be implanted with no more than 0.75D of refractive
cylinder must report stable vision, i.e. no change in distance vision and or MRSE within
0.50D over prior 12 months must discontinue hard or rigid gas permeable lenses for at least
3 weeks and discontinue soft lenses for at least 1 week prior to baseline examination must
have a minimum central corneal thickness of >500 microns in the eye to be implanted must
have a mesopic pupil < 7.0mm and photopic pupil >3.0mm in the eye to be implanted subjects
aged 45 years or younger must have an endothelial cell count

Exclusion Criteria:

Subjects with a difference of >0.75 between the manifest refraction spherical equivalent
and the cycloplegic refraction spherical equivalent Subjects with anterior segment
pathology, including clinically significant cataracts, in the non-dominant eye Subjects
with residual, recurrent, active ocular or uncontrolled eyelid disease, or any corneal
abnormality (including endothelial dystrophy, guttata, recurrent corneal erosion, etc.) in
the non-dominant eye Subjects with ophthalmoscopic signs of keratoconus (or keratoconus
suspect) in the non-dominant eye Subjects with clinically significant dry eyes, as
determined by either the presence of greater than mild symptoms of dryness or discomfort or
SPK greater than grade 1 Subjects with distorted or unclear mires on topography maps of the
non-dominant eye Subjects with macular degeneration, retinal detachment, or any other
fundus pathology that would prevent an acceptable visual outcome in the non-dominant eye
Subjects who have undergone LASIK surgery in the non-dominant eye Subjects with a history
of herpes zoster or herpes simplex keratitis Subjects who have a history of steroid
responsive rise in intraocular pressure, pre-operative IOP>21 mm Hg, glaucoma or are a
glaucoma suspect Subjects with a history of diagnosed diabetes, autoimmune disease,
connective tissue disease, or clinically significant atopic syndrome Subjects on chronic
systemic corticosteroids or other immunosuppressive therapy that may affect wound healing,
and any immunocompromised subjects Subjects who are using ophthalmic mediation(s) other
than artificial tears for treatment of any ocular pathology Subjects using systemic
medications with significant ocular side effects Subjects who are pregnant, lactating, or
planning to become pregnant during the course of the study Subjects what are participating
in any other ophthalmic drug or device studies during the time of this clinical
investigation Subjects with known sensitivity to planned study concomitant medications
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