RESEARCH PROTOCOL: Glaucoma Treatment Adherence and Persistence

Therapuetic Areas:Ophthalmology
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:April 2011
End Date:January 2013

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An Assessment of the Impact of Motivational Interviewing Via Glaucoma Educator on Glaucoma Treatment Adherence and Persistence

The investigators are studying motivational interviewing (MI). MI is a counseling method to
help people adopt healthy behaviors. The investigators will test whether MI improves
patients' accurate use of glaucoma eye drops. The investigators will train eye clinic staff
called glaucoma educators to use MI. Up to 250 patients at 3 clinics will be recruited. All
patients will receive their usual eye care. Based on chance, some patients will also be
supported by a glaucoma educator. The groups will be compared on medication adherence using
micro-electro-mechanical system(MEMS). MEMS are electronic bottle caps that track when a
medication bottle is opened. Patients will be aware that their medication use is tracked.
The groups will also be compared on treatment value, outcomes, and cost. The investigators
will also collect data on variables that may predict medication adherence.

Inclusion Criteria:

- community-dwelling adults with primary or secondary open-angle glaucoma, and

- a current prescription for monotherapy topical glaucoma medication.

Exclusion Criteria:

- patient-reported inability to administer eye drops that cannot be addressed
successfully through in-person instruction at the clinic,

- cognitive impairment at a level that would in the judgment of the referring physician
interfere with study participation,

- referring physician's determination that glaucoma surgery is likely within the next 6

- any active medical, psychological, or substance use disorder that would in the
referring physician's judgment significantly interfere with study participation
(e.g., comorbid congestive heart failure (CHF) resulting in a recent hospitalization;
active psychosis due to uncontrolled bipolar disorder; etc.), or

- no visual field test within the past 6 months (data required for the randomization
approach described below).
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