ECG Leadwires: Disposable Versus Cleaned, Reusable

Therapuetic Areas:Other
Age Range:Any
Start Date:September 2011
End Date:February 2013

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ECG Leadwires: Do Disposable Leadwires Reduce the Incidence of Bacterial Infections in ICU Patients and Provide Adequate Signaling in Stepdown/Telemetry Environment Compared to Cleaned Reusable ECG Leadwires?

Null hypothesis: (1) there is no difference in rates of ICU-acquired infection based on
using disposable or cleaned, reusable ECG leadwires and (2) In cardiac surgical telemetry
floors, there is no difference in false or nuisance sightings or crisis calls based on using
disposable or cleaned, reusable ECG leadwires.

Primary purposes: Using a randomized controlled trial methodology and randomizing similar
(matched) intensive care units (ICU) to either disposable or cleaned, reusable ECG-LW: 1. Is
there a difference in the rate of blood stream infection (BSI) and ventilator-associated
pneumonia (VAP) in ICU environments (medical ICU, surgical ICU, cardiothoracic ICU, and
neuroscience ICU) and surgical site infection (SSI); specifically, sternal wound infections
in cardiothoracic ICU that utilize disposable vs. cleaned, reusable ECG-LW? 2. Is there a
difference in ICU length of stay based on ECG-LW used: disposable vs. cleaned, reusable? 3.
After controlling for patient age, comorbidity index and after removing patients who's date
of BSI or VAP infections were within 48 hours of admission to the ICU, is there a difference
in the rate of (A) blood stream infection (BSI), (B) ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP)
and (C) SSI in ICU environments (when applicable) that utilize disposable vs. cleaned,
reusable ECG-LW? Secondary purposes: Using a randomized controlled trial methodology and
randomizing similar telemetry units to either disposable or cleaned, reusable ECG-LW: 1. Is
there a difference in the number of false/nuisance sightings/crisis calls (i.e., lead off,
no telemetry, lead failure or other false alarms) identified by the Central Monitoring Unit
(CMU)? 2. Is there a difference in true sightings/crisis calls identified by the CMU based
on unit assignment of disposable or cleaned, reusable ECG-LW? 2b. If yes to #2, is there a
difference in types of true sightings/calls identified by the CMUbased on assignment of
disposable or cleaned, reusable ECG-LW?

Inclusion Criteria:

- Primary HO: patients treated in an ICU setting; Secondary HO: Patients treated in
cardiac telemetry setting

Exclusion Criteria:
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