Glaucoma Eye Drop Instillation: Impact of Education

Therapuetic Areas:Ophthalmology
Age Range:40 - 85
Start Date:August 2011
End Date:June 2013

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The purpose of this study is to assess whether an educational intervention will have a
positive effect on patients' ability to properly administer eye drops. The investigators
predict that the educational intervention will have a positive impact on the efficacy,
safety, and efficiency with which patients administer their eye drops.

Glaucoma is a leading cause of irreversible vision loss worldwide, and as such has a large
public health impact. The only treatment proven to slow or arrest the progression of the
disease process is intraocular pressure (IOP) reduction, which relies heavily on patient
cooperation. Previously, nonadherence to glaucoma medications has ranged from 24% to 59%.
Barriers to medication compliance in the glaucoma patient population include health literacy,
poor comprehension of disease, poor comprehension of medication regimen, and improper eye
drop administration technique. The purpose of this randomized, controlled clinical trial is
to assess whether an educational intervention will have a positive effect on patients'
ability to properly administer eye drops. Patients randomized to the experimental group will
receive the educational intervention, consisting of an instructional video demonstrating how
to instill eyedrops. Patients randomized to the control group will receive an attention
placebo, consisting of a video regarding healthy eating tips. Additional measures that will
be obtained from all patients include a health literacy score, as measured using the REALM
questionnaire, and a BMQ - specific score (Beliefs about Medicines Questionnaire) using the
BMQ-specific questionnaire. If the education protocol is found to positively affect eye drop
administration success, as demonstrated by a statistically significant difference between the
experimental and control groups, suggestions will be proposed for the implementation of
educational programs similar to ours to improve glaucoma patient outcomes.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Established care with the treating ophthalmologist for at least 6 months

- Diagnosis of open-angle glaucoma or ocular hypertension

- The use of one, two or three self-instilled eye drop medications in one or two eyes

- Age 40-85 years

- Fluency in English

- Best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) of 20/50 or better in each eye

Exclusion Criteria:

- Presence of moderate to severe cognitive deficits

- Presence of a clinically significant tremor

- Mini Mental Status Exam score ≤ 20
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