iDecide.Decido: Diabetes Medication Decision Support Study

Therapuetic Areas:Endocrinology
Age Range:21 - Any
Start Date:September 2011
End Date:October 2013
Contact:Rebecca A. Mase, MSW
Phone:(734) 845-3973

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Technologically Enhanced Community Health Worker (CHW) Delivery of Personalized Diabetes Information

Two of AHRQ 's consumer-focused guides, "Pills for Type 2 Diabetes" and "Premixed Insulin
for Type 2 Diabetes" could be of great use to underserved ethnic and racial minority adults.
The presentation of content and delivery mechanisms of these Guides, however, needs to be
modified to increase their use and impact among these difficult-to-reach populations.

To achieve this goal, a long-standing collaboration among African American and Latino
community organizations, health care centers and systems, public health organizations, and
academics (the REACH Detroit Partnership) is joining with leading experts in the development
of personally and culturally tailored health decision aids (University of Michigan's Center
for Health Communications Research [CHCR] and Center for Behavioral and Decision Sciences in
Medicine [CBDSM]).

The investigators will develop and evaluate a computer tailored online diabetes medication
decision aid that will enable community health workers (CHWs) to provide personalized
patient education materials to underserved diabetic African American and Latino adults in
Detroit, Michigan.

The Specific Aims of this study are:

Aim 1: To use the information in the two diabetes medications consumer CERSGs to build an
interactive, computer tailored diabetes medication guide that will enable patients to assess
their treatment goals, personal preferences, and side-effect concerns and generate a
personally tailored assessment of their current diabetes treatments with, as appropriate,
options for improving their diabetes care;

Aim 2: To determine the extent to which this personally tailored diabetes medication guide
compared with the print consumer guides reduces Latino and African American diabetes
patients' decisional conflict, through improved knowledge of anti-hyperglycemic medications
and satisfaction with information received.

Aim 3: To examine the computer tailored program's effects on participants' changes in
medications (medication intensification), self-reported medication adherence and beliefs and
A1C levels between baseline and follow-up compared to participants receiving the print
consumer guides.

Inclusion Criteria:

- type 2 diabetes

- stated concern about diabetes and diabetes treatment

- poor glycemic control

- over 21 years of age

Exclusion Criteria:

- blind, deaf, otherwise unable to use the telephone or visual resources

- pregnant

- currently enrolled in other REACH Detroit research study

- in hospice care

- current radiation or chemotherapy
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Detroit, MI
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