Feasibility and Psychometric Properties of Paper vs. Web vs. Automated Telephone Administration of Patient Reported Outcome Surveys

Status:Active, not recruiting
Conditions:Colorectal Cancer, Cancer, Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:October 2011
End Date:October 2019

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A Comparison of the Feasibility and Psychometric Properties of Paper vs. Web vs. Automated Telephone Administration of Patient Reported Outcome Surveys

It can be difficult to obtain the perspective of patients who have had bowel surgery. This
study is being done because the investigators are trying to find out whether patient-reported
outcomes, (results reported to investigators by the patient), on a regular basis, will help
the investigators provide better patient care and symptom management.

Therefore, the purpose of this study is to determine if it is possible and if it is useful to
their medical care for patients who have had bowel surgery to complete surveys about their
symptoms on a regular basis. In this study the surveys are completed from home, by web or by
telephone, every month for 6 months. The results of this study will guide the design of large
research studies on cancer-related bowel function.

The purpose of this study is to develop a bowel function questionnaire for patients with
colorectal cancer. The questionnaire will be used in future clinical trials to assess bowel

Inclusion Criteria:

Aim 1:

- Stage I-III rectal cancer

- Post sphincter preserving surgery with restoration of bowel continuity within last 4-6
weeks at MSKCC.

- Access to web and email from home

- Web avidity (≥2 uses of email/week)

- Able to read and write in English

- Age ≥ 18

Aim 2:

- Stage I-III colon and rectal cancer

- Post surgical resection of primary tumor at MSKCC

- Access to web and email from home

- Web avidity (≥2 uses of email/week)

- Able to read and write in English

- Age ≥ 18

Exclusion Criteria:

Aim 1:

- Metastatic disease - Auditory, visual or motor impairment that would preclude ability
to use telephone and/or computer.

- Stoma

- Participated in Aim 2

- Definitive SPS = Transanal Excision (TAE) or Transanal Endoscopic Microsurgery (TEM)

Aim 2:

- Metastatic disease - Auditory, visual or motor impairment that would preclude ability
to use telephone and/or computer.

- Stoma

- Participated in Aim 1
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