Comparing Cardiac Output Measurements in Critically Ill Children Using USCOM and Transthoracic ECHO

Therapuetic Areas:Other
Age Range:Any - 17
Start Date:October 2011
End Date:March 2012

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Comparing Cardiac Output Measurements in Critically Ill Children Using Ultrasonic Cardiac Output Monitor and Transthoracic Echocardiography.

The purpose of this study is to compare the accuracy and precision of two non-invasive
methods of measuring cardiac output in critically ill children (<18 yrs). The participants
will include any patient admitted to Pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) requiring a
trans-thoracic ECHO (TTE) as part of their treatment plan. Measurements of intermittent
cardiac output will be obtained and compared on participants using standard 2-D TTE and
Ultrasound Cardiac Output Monitor (USCOM).

Inclusion Criteria:

- Any UNC PICU patient <18 yrs requiring a transthoracic ECHO (TTE) as standard of

- Gestational age >36 weeks

- Wt > 2 kg

- Written informed parental permission

Exclusion Criteria:

- Any patient with known unrepaired intracardiac shunt lesion (ASD,PDA,VSD)

- any post operative patient with delayed closure of chest

- parental refusal to participate
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Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27614
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