EUS Prior to ERCP in the Positive Setting of Positive Intraoperative Cholangiogram (IOC) During Cholecystectomy

Therapuetic Areas:Nephrology / Urology
Age Range:18 - 85
Start Date:October 2010
End Date:June 7, 2016

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A Prospective Study Evaluation the Role of EUS Prior to ERCP in the "Positive" Setting of Positive Intraoperative Cholangiogram (IOC) During Cholecystectomy

Performing an EUS prior to ERCP in the setting of a positive intraoperative cholangiogram
will identify and risk stratify patients for the presence of CBD stones and strictures.

During routine cholecystectomy, surgeons will often perform an intraoperative cholangiogram
in an effort to define anatomical landmarks and ensure patency and drainage of the common
bile duct. This involves injecting a radiopaque contrast medium into the biliary tree during
the operation. Occasionally contrast injection onto the common bile duct will reveal an
abnormality and are deemed a "positive intraoperative cholangiogram" (positive IOC). These
abnormalities can include the following: single or multiple stones; non-filling of the
duodenum by contrast; stenosis or narrowing of the common bile duct (CBD). When discovered
these findings are better addressed and treated endoscopically via endoscopic retrograde
cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). ERCP's are considered the gold standard for the diagnosis
and treatment of positive intraoperative cholangiograms. However, several studies have shown
that 40-50% of patients who undergo an ERCP after a "positive" IOC have a normal
cholangiogram. Reasons for this include spontaneous stone passage of the stone, dysmotility
of the biliary tree, or poor quality, incomplete, or misinterpretation of the IOC. Therefore
ERCP's are being performed when they could be avoided. ERCP performance carries significant
complications including pancreatitis (5-10%), bleeding, and perforation. Ideally if a safer
test to assess the bile duct could be performed immediately prior to the ERCP to confirm the
presence of the positive IOC findings, this would ensure that the ERCP is being performed for
therapeutic means thus avoiding unnecessary ERCP's.

EUS is often performed prior to ERCP's under the same sedation in our endoscopy unit. From
2005 to 2007, two hundred and twenty seven "combined EUS and ERCP procedure were
performed.(unpublished internal data). Our experience with "combined" EUS and ERCP procedures
has demonstrated that performing an EUS prior to an ERCP will prolong the total procedure
time less than 10 minutes with no significant increase in adverse events. Performance of an
EUS prior to ERCP to confirm biliary pathology after a "positive" IOC has never been studied
in a rigorous fashion.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Subjects must be able to review and sign informed consent

- Cholecystectomy must have been performed within one month of enrollment

- Positive intraoperative cholangiogram

- Stone

- Multiple Stones

- Stenosis

- "non filling" of duodenum

- Dilated bile duct

Exclusion Criteria:

- Cannot give and sign informed consent
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