Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Adolescent Girls

Therapuetic Areas:Psychiatry / Psychology
Age Range:13 - 15
Start Date:July 2011
End Date:June 2018

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Prevention of Depression in Maltreated and Nonmaltreated Adolescents

This study will evaluate the efficacy of Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Adolescents (IPT-A)
for the treatment of depression and prevention of depression in maltreated and nonmaltreated
girls between the ages of 13-15 years old.

Child maltreatment poses a serious public health problem and heightens the risk of
psychopathology across the life course. Adolescence also represents a peak time for the
emergence of depressive disorders particularly in girls. Effective interventions to prevent
and treat depression in low income adolescent girls with or without histories of maltreatment
are needed.

Three groups will be recruited: Maltreated Depressive Symptoms (MDS), Nonmaltreated
Depressive Symptoms (NDS), and a Nonmaltreated Nonsymptomatic Comparison (NNC), comparable in
SES, race/ethnicity, and household composition. The MDS and NDS groups will be randomized
into IPT-A or Enhanced Care (EC). Adolescent girls in these groups will receive 13 sessions
of therapy. Girls in the NNC group will only complete research visits.

Research assessments will be conducted at T1 (baseline/prior to intervention), T2 (6-weeks
mid-intervention), T3 (end of intervention), T4 (1-year post) and T5 (18 months post). Girls
and their mothers will participate in these research sessions. A multi-level-of-analysis
approach, integrating genotyping, hormone assays, cognitive testing, adolescent- and
maternal-report, mother-teen observation, and DHS and school records will be utilized to
assess the effectiveness of the interventions.

Inclusion Criteria:

- girls

- ages 13-15 years old

- low SES status

- live in Rochester or surrounding counties

- girls in the maltreated depressive symptom group will have CPS-documented child

- girls in the nonmaltreated depressive symptom group will not have CPS- documented
child maltreatment

- girls in the nonmaltreated nonsymptomatic comparison group will have no current or
past mental illness and no documented child maltreatment

Exclusion Criteria:

- taking antidepressants or prescription medications for anxiety

- already receiving mental health treatment

- actively suicidal

- diagnosed with a severe mental disorder

- abusing drugs or alcohol

- evidence of compromised cognitive ability

- evidence of a pervasive developmental disorder

- evidence of a major physical or neurological disorder

- non-English speaking
We found this trial at
Rochester, New York 14608
Principal Investigator: Sheree Toth, PhD
Phone: 585-275-2991
Rochester, NY
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