Sexually Transmitted Infections Among African American Women Who Have Sex With Women

Conditions:Infectious Disease
Therapuetic Areas:Immunology / Infectious Diseases
Age Range:16 - Any
Start Date:August 2011
End Date:October 2013

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The purpose of this study is to determine rates of sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
among African American women who have sex with women (AAWSW). In addition, the study is
interested in better understanding the types of risk behaviors that place AAWSW at risk for
STIs. The investigators hypothesis is that AAWSW experience high rates of STIs, similar to
heterosexual African American women. Knowledge gained from this study will guide development
of interventions to reduce women's risk for these types of infections and will improve how
AAWSW are screened for STIs.

The objectives of this study are (1) To determine the prevalence of bacterial vaginosis,
trichomoniasis, Chlamydia, gonorrhea, Mycoplasma genitalium, HIV, genital herpes, and
syphilis and associated risk behaviors in a cohort of African American women who have sex
with women (AAWSW) in Birmingham, Alabama; (2) To compare exclusive AAWSW (during the past
12 months) to African American women who have sex with women and men (AAWSWM) in terms of
socio-demographic characteristics, sexual risk behavior characteristics, and STI prevalence;
and(3) To perform an exploratory prospective study of an age-matched (± 2 years) sub-group
of exclusive AAWSW and AAWSWM over a 12 month time period to obtain data on differences in
STI risk behaviors and STI incidence rates.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Female gender, self-identification as African American

- Age of 16 years or older, self report of sexual contact (oral, vaginal, or anal) with
another female within the past 12 months

- English speaking

- The ability to give written informed consent.

- For the sub-groups of women being followed prospectively, they have to have at least
one active female sexual partner (AAWSW group) or at least one active female and male
sexual partner (AAWSWM group) at the time of enrollment into the study.

Exclusion Criteria:

- Pregnant or nursing and the inability or unwillingness to give written informed
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