Narrow-Band Imaging Versus Standard White Light for the Detection of Serrated Lesions in the Proximal Colon

Status:Active, not recruiting
Conditions:Colorectal Cancer, Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:50 - 85
Start Date:April 2011
End Date:December 2018

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Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing the Use of Narrow-Band Imaging Versus Standard White Light for the Detection of Serrated Lesions in the Proximal Colon

This is a study to determine if using Narrow-Band Imaging of the colon, rather than the usual
white light on the colon, will improve the detection of a type of polyp called serrated. The
polyps are called serrated because of their appearance under the microscope after they have
been removed. They tend to be located up high in the colon, far away from the rectum. They
have been definitely shown to be a type of precancerous polyp and it is possible that using
Narrow-Band Imaging will make it easier to see them, as they can be quite difficult to see
with standard white light.

This is a randomized controlled trial comparing the use of Narrow-Band Imaging (illumination
of the colon in blue light)versus standard white light for the detection of serrated lesions
in the proximal colon (the colon proximal to the splenic flexure). Recent studies have
indicated that colonoscopy is more effective in preventing cancer in the left side of the
colon than the right side of the colon. The reasons for this difference may be partly
biologic, in that a special group of polyps known as serrated polyps, particularly sessile
serrated adenomas, are located primarily proximal to the splenic flexure. These lesions share
molecular features with a group of cancers that occur primarily in the proximal colon. These
molecular features include CpG island methylator phenotype (CIMP) and microsatellite
instability. These lesions are endoscopically subtle in that they are often flat, have the
same color as the surrounding mucosa, and are hard to differentiate from normal mucosa.
Narrow-Band Imaging has anecdotally been used to highlight the appearance of these lesions.
This study will test whether Narrow-Band Imaging increases the detection of serrated lesions
in a randomized controlled trial.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Age 50-85

- Intact colon and rectum

- American Society of Anesthesiology risk class 1, 2 or 3

Exclusion Criteria:

- No prior surgical resection of colon or rectum
We found this trial at
Indianapolis, Indiana
Indianapolis, IN
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