Safety & Efficacy Evaluation of a Radiofrequency & Laser/Light System for Improvement of Skin Texture
Status: | Recruiting |
Healthy: | No |
Age Range: | 35 - 60 |
Updated: | 4/21/2016 |
Start Date: | October 2011 |
End Date: | December 2017 |
Safety and Efficacy Evaluation of the eTWO System for Improvement of Skin Texture Via Skin Resurfacing and Wrinkles Reduction
Evaluate the clinical performance, safety and efficacy, of a Radiofrequency and Laser/Light
based device for the treatment of facial wrinkles.
based device for the treatment of facial wrinkles.
Inclusion Criteria:
1. Healthy male or female between the ages of 35 and 60
2. Non-smoker
3. Fitzpatrick skin type I-VI
4. Fitzpatrick Degree of Elastosis Score of 2-6 (inclusive)
5. Presence of mild to moderate photodamage, such as solar lentigines, dyschromia and/or
presence of mild to moderate facial wrinkling
6. Able and willing to comply with all visit, treatment and evaluation schedules and
7. Able to understand and provide written Informed Consent
8. Women of child-bearing age are required to be using a reliable method of birth
control at least 3 months prior to study enrollment.
Exclusion Criteria:
1. Pregnant or intending to become pregnant during the course of study. A urine
pregnancy test will be given to women of childbearing potential and performed during
initial visit;
2. Having any active electrical implant anywhere in the body, such as a pacemaker or an
internal defibrillator
3. Having a permanent implant in the treated area, such as metal plates and screws
4. Unable or unlikely to refrain from tanning, including the use of tanning booths,
during the course of the study
5. Prior use of retinoids in treated area within 2 weeks of initial treatment or during
the course of the study
6. Use of oral Isotretinoin (Accutane®) within 6 months of initial treatment or during
the course of the study
7. Patient on systemic corticosteroid therapy 6 months prior to and throughout the
course of the study
8. Having received a facial dermabrasion or chemical peel treatment within 3 months of
treatment or during the study
9. Prior skin treatment with laser in treated area within 3 months of initial treatment
or during the course of the study
10. Prior use of Botox, collagen, fat injections and /or other methods of skin
augmentation (enhancement with injected or implanted material) in treated area within
3-4 weeks of initial treatment or during the course of the study. Treatment may not
be performed at all over permanent dermal implants
11. Prior ablative resurfacing procedure, brow lift, blepharoplasty or face lift in
treated area with laser or other devices within 12 months of initial treatment or
during the course of the study
12. Any other surgery in treated area within 12 months of initial treatment or during the
course of the study
13. History of keloid formation or poor wound healing in a previously injured skin area
14. History of epidermal or dermal disorders (particularly if involving collagen or
15. Open laceration or abrasion of any sort on the area to be treated
16. Active Herpes Simplex I at the time of treatment
17. Multiple dysplastic nevi in the area to be treated
18. Having a bleeding disorder or taking anticoagulation medications, including heavy use
of aspirin, in a manner which does not allow for a minimum 10 day washout period
prior to the treatment (as per the subject 's physician discretion)
19. History of immunosuppression/immune deficiency disorders (including HIV infection or
AIDS) or use of immunosuppressive medications
20. Having any form of active cancer at the time of enrollment and during the course of
the study
21. Significant concurrent illness, such as uncontrolled diabetes i.e. any disease state
that in the opinion of the Investigator would interfere with the anesthesia,
treatment, or healing process
22. Participation in a study of another device or drug within 1 month prior to study
enrollment or during this study, and as per the Investigator's careful discretion, as
long as not contradictory to any of the above criteria
23. Tattoos, including cosmetic make-up tattoos, in the treatment area
24. Mentally incompetent, prisoner or evidence of active substance or alcohol abuse
25. Any condition which, in the Investigator's opinion, would make it unsafe (for the
subject or for the study personnel) to treat the subject as part of this research
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Boca Raton, Florida 33431
Principal Investigator: Jason N Pozner, MD
Phone: 561-886-0970
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Great Neck, New York 11021
Principal Investigator: Alan H Gold, MD
Phone: 516-498-2804
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