Use of Concentrated Endogenous Autologous Adipose Stromal Cells in Fat Grafts for Craniofacial Trauma

Therapuetic Areas:Other
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:June 2012
End Date:June 2014
Contact:Carroll Lee, BSN

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Traumatic facial injuries, especially those sustained in military combat, are characterized
by destruction of bone and soft tissue. While the bony structures of the face can be
reconstructed, it is difficult to return the soft tissue back to its original form. Many
times, fat grafting, a common cosmetic and reconstructive procedure, is used in hopes of
improving the soft tissue deformity. Fat grafting is a procedure in which a person's own fat
is taken from areas throughout the body, usually the thighs or abdomen, with a small
liposuction tube. The fat is then transferred into the area that has lost volume or
fullness. The fullness of the soft tissue area may decrease over time because the
transferred fat can be reabsorbed by the body. Altering the current fat grafting procedure,
slightly, could lead to less reabsorption and a lasting fullness of the soft tissue area
outcome of the fat graft procedure.

The investigators are conducting this research study to help us improve the surgical
treatment of people who have suffered facial soft tissue loss as a result of trauma. The
goal of this research study is to see how each person's fat grafts will maintain the fat
over time and to measure the quality of life during a 9 month post-surgical follow-up
period. The total duration of participation is approximately 11-12 months. In this study,
the investigators will concentrate the fat in the fat grafting procedure to determine
whether this process will maintain the fat over time. The areas treated with enhanced fat
grafts will be compared with areas treated with standard of care fat grafts. At least two
areas of your face will be treated with fat grafts, (standard of care fat grafts and
concentrated fat grafts).

This study is the second of two clinical studies at the University of Pittsburgh using each
person's fat graft with concentration of fat cells in the graft to observe if there is less
fat resorption compared to using fat grafts alone. Each study is using a different
concentration of fat in the fat graft compared to the first clinical study.

Craniofacial injuries have serious psychosocial sequele and affect quality of life. Many
individuals who suffer significant facial disfigurement from injury experience psychological
distress and impairment in functioning not limited to the acute phase of injury, but over a
longer term period of treatment, recovery, and adjustment. Until recently, treatment of
disfiguring craniofacial injuries has been mostly limited to surgical flap procedures,
microsurgical tissue transfer, and implantable prostheses. However, these methods can leave
conspicuous scars on the face and the donor site, and in the case of implants can lead to
complications associated with foreign materials. Autologous fat grafting with minimally
invasive cannulas is a procedure that has been used for decades in common plastic surgery
practice for facial aesthetic procedures. This technique is also a promising treatment for
soft tissue reconstruction after craniofacial trauma because the graft harvest and injection
are minimally invasive. The treatment is performed by using a small liposuction cannula to
aspirate fat tissue from the donor site, and then re-injecting the fat into the recipient
site with specialized injection cannulas. After harvest, and prior to injection, the fat
graft is subjected to a mechanical processing step to separate the aqueous layer and
concentrate the adipocytes. This often takes the form of centrifugation or filtering.

The main problem with autologous fat grafting is a variable resorption of the graft volume
over time. As much as 30-60% of the graft volume can diminish over time. Many variables may
influence the behavior of clinical fat grafts, including harvest site, harvest technique,
graft preparation, and injection technique.

Concentrating the already present autologous adipose stromal cells within the fat grafts is
not expected to increase subject risk levels beyond the risk levels of the application of
fat grafts. We are currently approved for the application of fat grafts with concentrated
autologous adipose stromal cells [IRB#10100293]. This proposal uses an increased
concentration of adipose stromal cells compared to the above referenced study; no increase
of risk to the subject is anticipated. We hypothesize that fat grafting for facial trauma,
facilitated by enhancing graft quality with a higher concentration of endogenous autologous
vascular adipose stromal cells in the grafted tissue, will enhance the successful
restoration of tissue volume and craniofacial form. The use of a higher concentration of
autologous adipose stromal cells may lead to lower fat resorption rates that may be observed
in the approved IRB study [PRO10100293]. Additionally, we hypothesize that the clinical
results using the concentrated autologous stromal vascular cells will be durable and the
subject's quality of life scores will be improved compared to subjects who have had fat
grafting alone using historical controls.

Inclusion Criteria:

1. Aged 18 years or older and able to provide informed consent.

2. Have suffered injury resulting in craniofacial volume defects which could be treated
with a graft volume of between 3 and 100 cc of lipoaspirate

3. Be at least 3 months post-injury or post-surgery (from trauma procedures) so that
acute edema is resolved

4. Volume defects are covered by intact skin and do not communicate with oral cavity or

5. The three dimensional geometry of the volume defects would allow for treatment with
lipoaspirate injection so that at least two distinct treated areas could be discerned
on gross examination and radiographically (e.g. treated regions are on opposite sides
of the face, on lower face versus upper face, or separated by a bony landmark such as
zygoma. This would include the ability to treat an uninjured regions with fat grafts
in order to obtain symmetry or balance.

6. Willing and able to comply with follow up examinations,

Exclusion Criteria:

1. Age less than 18 years

2. Inability to provide informed consent

3. Craniofacial defects intended for treatment have open wounds or communicate with oral
cavity or sinus (note: presence of such a defect in the setting of another defect(s)
that meets treatment criteria will not exclude the patient from participating).

4. Active infection anywhere in the body

5. Diagnosed with cancer within the last 12 months and/or presently receiving
chemotherapy or radiation treatment

6. Known coagulopathy

7. Systemic disease that would render the fat harvest and injection procedure, along
with associated anesthesia, unsafe to the patient.

8. Pregnancy

9. Diagnosis of Schizophrenia or Bipolar Disorder
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