Genetic Load and Phenotype in Aggressive AMD

Therapuetic Areas:Ophthalmology
Age Range:50 - Any
Start Date:July 2012
End Date:December 2013

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Evaluation of Genetic Variants in Patients Under Treatment for Choroidal Neovascular (CNV) Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD), Receiving Intravitreal antiVEGF Injections to Evaluate the Association Between Genetic Load and Phenotypes Associated With More Aggressive Forms of Disease.

Patients with AMD will provide cheek cell samples to determine if their is a correlation
between genotype (DNA markers) and phenotype (the type of AMD the patient has).

This study seeks to test individuals who have already progressed to various forms of AMD to
evaluate correlations between genetic markers and particular features of AMD including
geographic atrophy and pigment epithelial detachments. We hypothesize that patients with
more aggressive forms of AMD will have a higher genetic burden contributed by markers in
ARMS 2, Complement Factor H (CFH), Complement component 3 (C3), Complement component 2 (C2)
, Factor B (FB), or other genetic polymorphisms associated with CNV.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Subject is male or female 50 years of age and older

- Subject provides a signed and dated informed consent

- Subject agrees to provide two buccal swabs in accordance with this protocol

- Diagnosis of CNV secondary to AMD in at least one eye

Exclusion Criteria:

- Previous sample donation under this protocol

- Presence of retinal disease involving the photoreceptors and/or outer retinal layers
other than AMD loss such as high myopia, retinal dystrophies, central serous
retinopathy, vein occlusion, diabetic retinopathy and uveitis or similar outer
retinal diseases which have been present prior to the age of 50.

- Opacities of the ocular media, limitations of pupillary dilation or other problems
sufficient to preclude adequate imaging of the posterior segment.
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