A Study to Investigate the Recovery, Excretion, and Pharmacokinetics of 14C -GSK1322322 After an Intravenous and an Oral Dose

Conditions:Infectious Disease
Therapuetic Areas:Immunology / Infectious Diseases
Age Range:Any
Start Date:August 2012
End Date:October 2012
Contact:US GSK Clinical Trials Call Center

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An Open Label, Non-Randomized, Single Dose, Two Period, Cross-Over, Mass Balance Study to Investigate the Recovery, Excretion, and Pharmacokinetics of 14C -GSK1322322 Administered as a Single Intravenous and Single Oral Dose to Healthy Adult Male Subjects

This is a phase 1, non-randomized, open label, single-dose, two-period, cross-over study.
This study will utilize 14C radiolabeled GSK1322322 to investigate the recovery, excretion,
and pharmacokinetics of GSK1322322 in 6 healthy adult male subjects through the sampling of
blood, urine, and feces.

Each subject will participate in the study for approximately 7 to 8 weeks i.e., 30 day
screening period, two dosing periods (approximately 8 days each) and a follow up visit.

The subjects will be admitted to the clinical unit on Day 1 of the first treatment period
and remain in the unit for up to approximately 16 days through the end of the second
treatment period.

On Day 1 of Period 1, each subject will receive 14C radiolabeled GSK1322322 as a single
therapeutic intravenous (IV) dose (1000 milligrams [mg]). When the total radioactivity is
<1% of the administered dose in all subjects, Period 2 dosing will begin (approximately 8
days after the IV dose). On Day 1 of Period 2, each subject will receive single therapeutic
oral solution dose (1200 mg). Blood, urine, bile and fecal samples will be collected during
both the periods. The subject may be discharged from the unit as early as Day 8 of Period 2.
Subjects will visit the study unit for the follow-up visit 7 to 10 days following discharge
from the unit.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Healthy male subjects between 30 and 55 years of age, with body weight between 60 to
80 kilograms (kg) and a history of regular bowel movements

- Male subjects with female partners of child-bearing potential must agree to use one
of the contraception methods from first dose of study medication until the final
follow up visit

- Alanine aminotransferase (ALT), alkaline phosphatase and bilirubin =<1.5x upper limit
of normal

- QT interval by Bazett's correction formula (QTcB) <450 millisecond (msec); or QTcB
<480 msec in subjects with Bundle Branch Block

- Available to complete the study and return for follow-up visits if necessary

- Capable of giving written informed consent

Exclusion Criteria:

- Any condition that could interfere with the accurate assessment and recovery of
radioactivity [14C]

- Participation in a clinical trial involving administration of radiolabeled
14C-labelled compound(s) within the last 12 months

- Any condition which impairs the absorption, distribution, metabolism or excretion of
the investigational product

- Subjects with a history of cholecystectomy

- Subject has received a total body radiation dose of greater than 5.0 millisievert
(mSv) or exposure to significant radiation during 1 year before dosing

- The subject has a positive: drug/alcohol, Hepatitis, HIV screen

- Abuse of alcohol

- History of liver disease, or known hepatic or biliary abnormalities

- The subject has recently received an investigational product

- Donation of more than 500 mL blood within a 56 day period

- Unwillingness or inability to follow the procedures outlined in the protocol

- Use of prescription or non-prescription drugs

- Subject is mentally or legally incapacitated

- History of sensitivity to heparin or heparin-induced thrombocytopenia

- Smoking or history or regular use of tobacco or nicotine-containing products

- Unable to refrain from consumption of red wine, Seville oranges, grapefruit or
grapefruit juice from 7 days prior to the first dose

- History of cardiac disease
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