Mobile Phone Text Message Program to Understand Symptoms and Improve Outcomes in Minor Head Injury Patients

Therapuetic Areas:Other
Age Range:18 - 55
Start Date:June 2012
End Date:July 2013
Contact:Brian Suffoletto, MD MS

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Mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI) is frequently seen in the ED, post-concussive symptoms
are common post-injury, and few MTBI patients receive treatment or follow-up for these
symptoms. Cell phones are ubiquitous, text messaging (SMS) is a cheap and increasingly
common form of communication, potentially allowing for accurate assessment of symptom
patterns after MTBI and provision of basic education support . The investigators seek to
assess the feasibility of using SMS to collect symptoms related to MTBI in patients either
discharged from the ED or admitted to the inpatient trauma unit. The investigators also seek
to explore how SMS-based symptom reports correlate with phone-based follow-up reports at 14
days and whether additional SMS-based educational feedback alters daily symptom patterns.

The investigators seek to assess the feasibility of using SMS to collect symptoms related to
MTBI in patients either discharged from the ED or admitted to the inpatient trauma unit. The
investigators also seek to explore how SMS-based symptom reports correlate with phone-based
follow-up reports at 14 days and whether additional SMS-based educational feedback alters
daily symptom patterns at 3-months.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Clinical diagnosis of minor traumatic brain injury

- English speaking

- Owns a cell phone with SMS

Exclusion Criteria:

- Critically ill
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