Parent Willingness to Participate in Tobacco Trials in the Pediatric Clinical Setting

Conditions:Cancer, Cancer, Smoking Cessation, Anemia
Therapuetic Areas:Hematology, Oncology, Pulmonary / Respiratory Diseases
Age Range:Any
Start Date:September 2012
End Date:September 2015
Contact:Vida L. Tyc, PhD

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Tobacco Trials at St. Jude: Parent Willingness to Participate Among Families of Children With Cancer, Sickle Cell Disease, or Survivors of Childhood Cancer

Little is known about what factors influence parental decisions to participate or to decline
participation in tobacco trials offered in the pediatric clinical setting. Further, it is
unclear what proportion of parents treated in our setting would elect to receive formal
assistance with quitting smoking or consider alternative approaches that could facilitate
eventual smoking cessation. While the recommendation to parents is generally to quit
smoking, some may be unwilling or unable to quit and prefer more achievable alternative
treatment goals. Some parent smokers may be unlikely to participate in an intervention
aimed only at cessation but would be willing to participate in an intervention focused on
establishing smoke-free environments for their child. Parents are typically not offered a
choice regarding the type of intervention they receive and many interventions are not
tailored to their readiness to quit smoking or designed to reach multiple family members in
the home who may also smoke. Quitting smoking and establishing smoke-free homes and cars
are distinct, yet challenging, goals for parents and families. Both approaches can
directly, or indirectly, help parents to quit smoking, reduce the child's exposure to
second-hand smoke (SHS), and initiate an important dialogue with families about tobacco
control. How parental acceptability of smoking interventions is affected by the context of
their child's treatment for cancer or SCD, as well as survivorship, warrants further study.

Following a Behavioral Ecological Model (BEM), this study will assess factors that influence
parent's willingness to participate in tobacco trials that emphasize cessation or promotion
of smoke-free homes/cars while identifying barriers for implementing these strategies.
Information will be obtained from questionnaires completed by parents. This information
will be used to suggest an appropriate emphasis for intervention, refine our recruitment
strategies, design interventions that maximize participation rates and retention, and better
direct our resources and future tobacco control efforts for patients and their families.


- To estimate the proportion of smoking parents of children with cancer, children with
sickle cell disease (SCD), and childhood cancer survivors who are willing to
participate in tobacco trials offered in the context of their child's medical care.


- St. Jude Children's Research Hospital (SJCRH) patient with a diagnosis of cancer or
sickle cell disease (to include genotypes HbSS, HbSC, HbSβ°thal, HbSβ+thal, HbSD,

- <18 years of age at time of enrollment.

- For patients with cancer, those who are at least one month from diagnosis (to include
patients in active treatment section, as well as, survivors in After Completion of
Therapy clinic).


- For patients with cancer, those who have relapsed or had disease recurrence within
the past month.

- For patients with cancer, those who have progressive disease.

- In medical crisis, as determined by consultation with the patient's primary care

- On transplant service.

- On inpatient service or expected/scheduled inpatient admission (e.g. hospitalized).

- Experiencing current acute complications of sickle cell disease requiring
hospitalization or an acute care visit (e.g., pain crises, acute chest syndrome,
acute cerebrovascular events/stroke or active infection/fever, etc.).


- One parent, who is 18 years of age or older, per family of a SJCRH patient who meets

- Current smoker (defined as having smoked cigarettes in the past 30 days, as based on

- Reads and speaks English.

- Has the cognitive capacity to complete study questionnaires.

- Willing and able to provide informed consent according to institutional guidelines.


- In crisis or distress or have another disabling condition that would preclude
participation as determined by consultation with patient's primary care physician
and/or social worker prior to study enrollment.
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