Finding Predictors of Side Effects to Chemoradiation Treatment in Elderly Patients With Head and Neck Cancer

Conditions:Cancer, Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:65 - Any
Start Date:July 2012
End Date:May 2016

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Identification of Predictors of Tolerance to Chemoradiotherapy in Elderly Patients With Head and Neck Cancer

To look at what types of measures can be used to predict how an older person will tolerate
chemoradiation treatment for head and neck cancer. This study uses surveys and a blood draw
to look at the different measures.

Purpose: To identify baseline predictors of change in function over the course of treatment
with chemoradiotherapy in patients with head and neck cancer.

Participants: Patients 65 or older who have an appointment at the North Carolina Cancer
Hospital (NCCH) or other participating sites, have planned chemoradiotherapy for head and
neck cancer

Procedures (methods): Consenting subjects will complete a Geriatric Assessment, Functional
Assessment of Cancer Therapy - Head and Neck and give a blood sample for CBC and p16INK4a at
the start of their chemoradiotherapy, at week four, at the end and 90 days post therapy. They
will also complete a health behavior questionnaire at baseline.

Inclusion Criteria

- Patients will be eligible for this protocol provided they have an appointment at the
North Carolina Cancer Hospital (NCCH), have planned chemoradiotherapy for head and
neck cancer (any histology) and consent to complete the Geriatric Assessment. No
exclusions will be made based on gender, ethnicity, performance status or race.
Patient must be able to read and speak English.

- Signed, IRB approved written informed consent.

- Age of at least 65 years.

- Enrollment in other studies, both therapeutic and observational, will not result in

Exclusion Criteria

- Inability to read and speak English.

- Inability to comply with study for any other reason than language
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Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27599
Chapel Hill, NC
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