Chiropractic Treatment With Counseling Versus Counseling Alone for Promoting Smoking Cessation

Conditions:Smoking Cessation
Therapuetic Areas:Pulmonary / Respiratory Diseases
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:March 2012
End Date:May 2014
Contact:Kelsey Rogers

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Chiropractic Treatment With Counseling Versus Counseling Alone for Promoting Smoking Cessation: A Randomized Clinical Trial

Tobacco use is the number one killer of Americans today. Most current smokers have tried and
failed to quit at least once. Smokers are addicted to the nicotine in tobacco products, and
withdrawal from smoking can lead to physical symptoms such as irritability, anxiety,
nervousness, depression and insomnia.

This study will examine the effects of tobacco cessation counseling and chiropractic
treatments on smokers who desire to quit.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Adults 18 yrs and above

- Smokers with desire to quit smoking

Exclusion Criteria:

- Received chiropractic treatment or other manipulative therapies within the last month

- Have received any therapy for smoking cessation during the last month

- Visceral, systemic or joint inflammatory disease

- A history of low back surgery

- Osteoporosis

- Prolonged systemic corticosteroid medication

- Pregnancy

- Recent spinal fracture
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Whittier, California 90604
Whittier, CA
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