Using the Active Breathing Control Device to Reduce Radiation Side Effects to Critical Structures in Breast Cancer

Conditions:Breast Cancer, Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:October 2002
End Date:July 2011

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A Pilot Study Investigating Active Breathing Coordinator (ABC) to Reduce Radiation Dose to Normal Structures in Breast Cancer Patients

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the use of a device that helps coordinate the
breathing cycle in the radiation treatment of the breast in order to minimize the radiation
dose to the normal structures around the breast.

The Active Breathing Coordinator (ABC) allows for temporary and reproducible immobilization
of internal thoracic structures by monitoring the patient's breathing cycle and implementing
a breath hold at a predefined lung volume level. While ABC is FDA approved and commercially
available, only preliminary dosimetric data is available on a small number of patients with
breast cancer. There is some data using ABC for intrathoracic malignancies, which shows that
it is feasible and safe to use. ABC can be used to optimize the distance between chest wall,
heart and liver. This allows adequate treatment of the breast and underlying chest wall while
minimizing irradiated cardiac and liver volume.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Requiring adjuvant or post mastectomy radiation therapy with tangential fields or

- Adequate pulmonary function

- Presence of 5 cc of the heart or liver with the simulation fields

- Karnofsky Performance Status (KPS) equal to or greater than 70

Exclusion Criteria:

- Pregnant women

- Patients who have had previous ipsilateral breast or thoracic radiation therapy
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