Use of a Novel Neuroplasticity-based Neurobehavioral Intervention for PTSD

Conditions:Anxiety, Depression
Therapuetic Areas:Psychiatry / Psychology
Age Range:18 - 65
Start Date:September 2012
End Date:January 2017

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Use of a Novel Neuroplasticity-based Neurobehavioral Intervention for PTSD - A Nationwide, Online Study

The present study will explore the effectiveness of a computer based neurobehavioral
intervention in alleviating symptoms and improving emotion regulation in individuals with
PTSD. It will increase understanding of psychopathology at a neural-circuit level and aid
development of new non-pharmacological treatment for PTSD. The study is managed by the Etkin
Lab at Stanford University in California, but participants from the entire US are welcome to
participate as the study is delivered online.

Inclusion Criteria:

- current PTSD

- internet access

Exclusion Criteria:

- lifetime psychotic disorder,

- past-year substance dependence
We found this trial at
Stanford, California 94305
Principal Investigator: Amit Etkin, MD PhD
Stanford, CA
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