Conventional Home Exercise Programs Versus Electronic Home Exercise Versus Artificial Intelligence "Virtual Therapy" for Anterior Knee Pain

Conditions:Chronic Pain
Therapuetic Areas:Musculoskeletal
Age Range:18 - 64
Start Date:September 2012
End Date:June 2013
Contact:Jonathan P Garino, MD
Phone:215 407-7440

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Conventional Home Exercise Programs Versus Electronic Home Exercise Versus Artificial Intelligence "Virtual Therapy" for Anterior Knee Pain: a Prospective Randomized Comparative Trial.

This is a clinical research trial to evaluate the efficacy of delivering exercise therapy
for knee pain via the Internet utilizing an algorithm designed to adjust a home exercise
program based on user input. The investigators hypothesize that exercise therapy can be
delivered safely and effectively with increased participant satisfaction compared to the
current standard.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Age 18-64 with anterior knee pain

- Have computer access

- Cleared for exercise by a medical professional, if not possible or a medical
professional on the study team over the phone and the PAR-Q (Physical Activity
Readiness Questionnaire)

- Have consented to participate in the trial

Exclusion Criteria:

- Age < 18 or > 64

- Screened as unsafe for exercise by a medical professional or the, study team and/ or
Screened out by the PAR-Q

- Does not consent to the trial
We found this trial at
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19147
Philadelphia, PA
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