Quantitative 18F-AV-133 PET Imaging in Subjects With Diabetes and Healthy Controls

Therapuetic Areas:Endocrinology
Age Range:30 - 65
Start Date:December 2012
End Date:September 2015

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Quantitative PET Imaging of Pancreatic Beta-Cell Mass in Healthy Overweight/Obese Subjects, Subjects With Prediabetes, and Type 2 Diabetes Patients With 18F-FP-DTBZ (18F-AV-133)

To evaluate 18F-AV-133 imaging of the pancreas in patients with early type 2 diabetes, late
type 2 diabetes, subjects with pre-diabetes and in healthy overweight/obese control
subjects. These subjects will also be evaluated for beta-cell function as measured by the
insulin and C-peptide response to a challenge with intravenous arginine under basal and
glucose enhanced conditions.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Male and/or female subjects of non-childbearing potential between the ages of 30 and
65 years inclusive.

- Able to tolerate PET, PET/CT and MR imaging

- Estimated creatinine clearance >= 60mL/min

- Informed consent documents signed and dated by subject

- Subjects must be willing and able to comply with all scheduled visits, treatments
laboratory tests, scans and other study procedures.

- In addition, subjects must meet classification requirements for one of the following

1. Healthy Overweight

2. Pre-diabetes

3. T2DM

- (T2DM only) Subjects with other chronic medical conditions (besides diabetes) that
are well controlled and stable on medication are acceptable for inclusion in this

Exclusion Criteria:

- Subjects who are affiliated with or relatives of staff members of either the site or
Pfizer directly involved in the conduct of the trial.

- Conditions which in the opinion of the study investigator may interfere with the
subject's ability to participate in the study

- History of allergic reaction to drug/contrast agent or history of drug/alcohol abuse

- Subjects who have received investigational medications within the last 30 days or a
radiopharmaceutical in the past 7 days.

- Pregnant or nursing females; females of childbearing potential.
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New Haven, CT
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