Comparison of Contrast Enhanced Mammography to Breast MRI in Screening Patients at Increased Risk for Breast Cancer

Conditions:Breast Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:21 - Any
Start Date:October 2012
End Date:June 2018

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The purpose of this study is to determine if Contrast Enhanced Spectral Mammography (CESM)
will be able to detect smaller/earlier breast cancers as well as breast MRI can.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Women considered at increased risk for developing breast carcinoma (those with a
lifetime risk of >15%due to family history, genetic predisposition, prior radiation
therapy to the chest, prior biopsy showing a high risk lesion, or personal history of
breast cancer) that are being screened with breast MRI.

- Women who have a screening digital mammogram on the day of CESM or within 365 days

Exclusion Criteria:

- Women under 21.

- Pregnant or possibly pregnant.

- Women who have a contraindication to the intravenous use of iodinated - contrast agent
(i.e., allergy to iodinated contrastor severely impaired renal function with a
creatinine level > or = to 1.3).

- Women with breast implants.

- Women with pacemakers.

- Women with aneurysm clips that don't allow for MRI.

- Women too claustrophobic to undergo MRI.
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