A Research Study Examining Migranal and Skin Sensitivity in Subjects With Migraine

Conditions:Migraine Headaches
Therapuetic Areas:Neurology
Age Range:Any

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An Open-Label Pilot Trial To Collect And Evaluate Data On The Use Of Migranal® In The Treatment Of Two Acute Migraine Attacks Associated With Cutaneous Allodynia

This is a research study looking at Migranal (study drug) in the treatment of two migraine
attacks in patients who have a history of cutaneous allodynia (pronounced q-tay-nee-us
al-o-din-ee-a). Cutaneous allodynia is an increased skin sensitivity experienced during a
headache. It has been noted in several studies that in patients with migraine, seventy nine
percent of the patients experienced allodynia on the facial skin on the same side as the
headache. Understanding more about allodynia may help us understand how the pain system
works in migraine.

This study will compare the differences, if any, in attacks treated early with study drug
(at 1-hour from onset) and attacks treated later (at 4-hours). You will be asked to treat
one attack early and one attack late for this study. If the first attack you treat is early
(at 1 hour following onset of throbbing pain) then the second attack you treat should be
late (at 4 hours following onset of throbbing pain).

It is hoped that this study will provide information on the use of Migranal in subjects who
have cutaneous allodynia. The results from this study may be used in the development of
larger clinical trials. The study drug is a medication that is taken in the form of nasal

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111 South 11th Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107
Philadelphia, PA
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