Healthy Homes Healthy Children (H3C)

Therapuetic Areas:Other
Age Range:Any
Start Date:October 2012
End Date:February 2017

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To evaluate the efficacy of a CCHMC Human Resources Benefits program to reduce exposure to
injury hazards and subsequent injury-related medical claims for their children.


H1: The investigators anticipate, based on our recently completed trial, that the
installation of multiple, passive safety devices in the homes of children 6- to 36-month old
children of CCHMC non-contract employees randomized to the intervention group will reduce
childhood injuries and medical claims by 50% compared to children of CCHMC non-contract
employees who do not receive the home safety program.

H2: Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Employees whose children are randomized to
the intervention will have 30% less lost work days compared to employees whose children are
assigned control group.

Injury is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality for US children; the home is the
leading location of injury for younger US children. Unintentional injuries in the home
environment account for more than 4 million visits to emergency departments, with over 74,000
hospitalizations and 2,800 deaths each year in US children at a cost in excess of $3 billion
annually and $800 per emergency visit. Ambulatory visit rates for injury in US Children are
more than 3-fold higher than emergency visit rates and account for more than 13 million
visits to offices and clinics each year in the U.S.

There is increasing interest in developing systems to improve the health of populations of
children residing in the Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center (CCHMC) primary
service area. Emerging payment models are fostering programs that can improve proactive
population health management including preventive measures to reduce morbidity and improve
the value of health services provided by insurers and accountable care organizations. This
project will test the efficacy of an intervention to reduce exposure to injury hazards in the
home and subsequent preventable and medically attended injury in young children.

Experimental Group: In homes of children randomized to the intervention arm of the trial, a
comprehensive observational survey of living spaces will be undertaken. The study will
examine living spaces to which a child may be exposed including 5 high-exposure, high-risk
areas (main activity room, kitchen, child's bedroom and bathrooms, and stairways). In
addition to quantifying hazards, the area of rooms will be obtained allowing for
determination of both the number and density of injury hazards.

The hazards identified by the intervention team will be reviewed with the parent and the
proposed interventions will be presented. Intervention options are designed and prioritized
so that the most passive and durable interventions are recommended first and progressively
less 'passive' and less durable options last. After consent is obtained, passive measures
will be installed across the living space as indicated.

Control Group: Participants who are assigned to the control group will have their medical
claims examined related to injury in the home. Households in this control condition will also
be provided with information sheets on child safety developed by the American Academy of
Pediatrics, The Injury Prevention Program (TIPP). These age-based recommendations for child
safety are provided as standard of care at many pediatric offices.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Current CCHMC qualified beneficiaries (non-contract workers)

- Child is both covered by a CCHMC health insurance plan and is less than 8 months of
age at the time of screening

- Employees must be at least 18 years of age

- Employee must have no plans to leave CCHMC employment within next 12 months

- Employee must have no plans to relocate greater than 90 minutes away from CCHMC in the
next 12 months

- Employees must speak fluent English

Exclusion Criteria:

- The child is greater than 8 months of age at time of screening

- Employee is non-English speaking

- Not a current CCHMC employee

- Child not covered by CCHMC health insurance plan

- Employees who are not 18 years of age

- Live beyond a 90-minute driving radius from Cincinnati Children's Hospital or have
plans to relocate outside of a 90-minute driving radius from Cincinnati Children's
Hospital in the next 12 months at the time of screening

- Have plans to leave employment at Cincinnati Children's Hospital in the next 12 months
at the time of screening
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