Treatment of Benign Breast Deformities and Post-Segmental Mastectomy Breast Deformities With Autologous Fat Grafting (AFT)

Conditions:Breast Cancer, Cancer, Women's Studies
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology, Reproductive
Age Range:18 - 70
Start Date:July 2011
End Date:October 2014

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The investigators will assess changes in breast appearance, graft retention and quality of
life over one year in patients who have received direct autologous adipose tissue injection
for the treatment of objectionable post-surgical breast deformities. These patients have
undergone the resection of breast tissue to treat either benign or malignant breast disease.

During the past decade there has been increased awareness of the potential of free adipose
cell grafting to treat a variety of problems in both reconstructive and cosmetic plastic
surgery. There have been encouraging reports describing the use of autologous fat grafts
(fat tissue harvested by standard liposuction techniques in a given patient and then
re-injected at another site) for treating breast deformities in the setting of benign and
previously treated malignant breast problems.

There has been a corresponding large scale laboratory investigation effort into the
potential of adipose derived stem cells (ADSC's) harvested during liposuction and induced to
differentiate into various cell types in the mesenchymal cell line. The potential clinical
utility of these cells in the treatment of patients who present with a breast deformity
after segmental mastectomy (lumpectomy) and radiation therapy has been described, but not
studied in rigorous prospective manner.

The investigators believe that the clinical use of these autologous fat cell grafts have
unique advantages in the treatment of breast deformities. The technique is minimally
invasive, easily repeated and is associated with minimal surgical morbidity (indeed it may
have the advantage of improving the appearance of both the breast deformity and the area
from which they are harvested), it typically displays a rapid recovery, a complication rate
that is no greater (and probably less than ) established and currently used surgical
treatment(s) of these breast problems, and is oncologically safe.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Age 18 through 70 years of age inclusive and able to provide informed consent and

- Subject is 6 months post chemotherapy or radiation treatment and is scheduled for
physician evaluation for a standard of care breast fat graft procedure.

- Per PI's discretion is stable post-surgery or who has a benign breast deformity or
post segmental breast deformity

- Willing and able to comply with the study schema for research procedures.

Exclusion Criteria:

Age less than 18 years

- Inability to provide informed consent

- Active chemotherapy or radiation therapy treatment for cancer diagnosis

- Not clinically stable to have a surgical intervention

- Active infection anywhere in the body

- Known coagulopathy

- Pregnancy

- Per the PI's discretion, subject is not a candidate for participation in this
clinical trial.
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