A Phase 1 Dose Escalation Study to Examine the Safety of the P2-VP8 Rotavirus Vaccine
Status: | Completed |
Conditions: | Infectious Disease |
Therapuetic Areas: | Immunology / Infectious Diseases |
Healthy: | No |
Age Range: | 18 - 45 |
Updated: | 3/14/2019 |
Start Date: | December 2012 |
End Date: | September 2013 |
A Phase 1 Double Blinded, Randomized, Placebo-controlled Dose Escalation Study to Examine the Safety, Reactogenicity, Tolerability and Immunogenicity of the P2-VP8 Subunit Rotavirus Vaccine in Healthy Adult Volunteers
This study will evaluate 3 doses of a new vaccine for rotavirus infection in healthy adult
volunteers to determine if it is safe and if the immune systems of healthy adults respond to
this vaccine.
volunteers to determine if it is safe and if the immune systems of healthy adults respond to
this vaccine.
The trial will be a double-blinded, randomized, placebo-controlled dose-escalation study in
which three dose-levels of vaccine will be tested in adults. Cohorts of 16 individuals (12
vaccine recipients and 4 placebo recipients) per dose level will receive three intramuscular
injections four weeks apart. The three dose levels of vaccine to test will be 10 microgram
(μg), 30 μg and 60 μg.
which three dose-levels of vaccine will be tested in adults. Cohorts of 16 individuals (12
vaccine recipients and 4 placebo recipients) per dose level will receive three intramuscular
injections four weeks apart. The three dose levels of vaccine to test will be 10 microgram
(μg), 30 μg and 60 μg.
Inclusion Criteria:
- A qualified volunteer must be:
1. Healthy male or female between 18 and 45 (inclusive) years of age at time of
2. Willing and able to give informed consent - must pass test of comprehension with
> 70% correct within two attempts.
3. If female and of childbearing potential, be not breastfeeding and not pregnant
(based on a negative serum pregnancy test at screening and a negative urine
pregnancy test during the 24 hours prior to first injection), planning to avoid
pregnancy for at least 4 weeks after the last injection, and willing to use an
adequate method of contraception consistently and have repeated pregnancy tests
prior to second and third injections.
4. Willing to comply with study restrictions and study schedule (as evidenced by a
signed informed consent form (ICF) and assessment by the Principal Investigator
(PI) or designee).
5. Able and willing to be contacted by telephone or text, and willing for study
staff to record telephone voice or text messages as needed.
Exclusion Criteria:
- A qualified volunteer must not:
1. Have received an investigational product during the 30 days prior to
2. Intend to receive another investigational product during this study.
3. Have any contraindication to parenteral injections (e.g., history of bleeding
4. Have previously received a marketed or investigational rotavirus vaccine.
5. Have a history of severe local or systemic reaction to any vaccine.
6. Have a history of recurrent urticaria of unknown cause.
7. Have a history of any allergic or infusion reaction that was severe (e.g.,
anaphylactic or anaphylactoid), generalized (e.g., drug rash, urticaria,
angioedema) or that, in the opinion of the PI, significantly increases risk of
severe local or systemic reaction to an investigative vaccine.
8. Have a history of reaction to any vaccine that, in the opinion of the PI,
significantly increases risk of severe reaction to an investigative vaccine.
9. Have received any vaccine within 4 weeks prior to randomization or planned
vaccination through Day 84.
10. Have received any blood product or any immunomodulating agent (e.g.,
immunoglobulin, interferon, growth factor) within 12 weeks prior to
11. Have received immunosuppressive medications (e.g., prolonged use of systemic
corticosteroid or cytotoxic agent) within the 24 weeks prior to randomization.
Eligible if a short course (≤10 days) of systemic corticosteroid concluded more
than 2 weeks prior to randomization, use of inhaled corticosteroid for asthma,
and use of topical corticosteroid for a skin condition.
12. Have a history of any clinically significant (in the opinion of the PI)
immunosuppressive or autoimmune condition.
13. Anticipate need for administration of any blood product, immunosuppressive (e.g.,
systemic corticosteroid), or immunomodulatory treatment during the study.
14. Have a history of malignancy, excluding basal cell carcinoma.
15. Have Diabetes Mellitus Type I or II.
16. Have a positive test for human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1), Hepatitis B
surface antigen (HBsAg) or (Hepatitis C Antibody Test) anti-HepC.
17. Have significant abnormalities in screening laboratory test results or clinical
assessment as determined by the PI or by the PI in consultation with the
Sponsor's medical officer.*
18. Have abnormal vital signs deemed clinically relevant by the Principle
Investigator (PI).
19. Evidence of current or recent (within past 12 months) excessive alcohol
consumption or drug dependence.
20. Have any condition of hand, arm or related lymph nodes that may confound
post-dose assessments.
21. Have any condition (medical, psychiatric or behavioral) that, in the opinion of
the PI, would increase the volunteer's health risks in study participation or
would increase the risk of not achieving the study's objectives
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