Cognitive Remediation in 22q11DS

Conditions:Other Indications
Therapuetic Areas:Other
Age Range:11 - 17
Start Date:October 2010
End Date:June 2015

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A Remediation Program for Children at High-Risk of Schizophrenia: 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome

The goal of this study is to collect preliminary data on the efficacy of a cognitive
remediation program in improving the neurocognitive deficits in children with chromosome
22q11.2 deletion syndrome (22q11DS). This study involves a two part approaching including a
computerized cognitive remediation program (CCRP, Posit Science, CA) in combination with a
Social Cognitive Training (SCT) program. The computer-based training program has shown
encouraging results in improving learning deficits in individuals with schizophrenia and we
now seek to adapt them to children with 22q11DS, who have unique needs due to their lower IQ
and high risk of psychosis in late adolescence and adulthood. The SCT is a small-group
intervention program based on cognitive enhancement therapy, which has been shown to improve
social cognition and functionality in adults with schizophrenia. A preliminary study will be
performed using this two-pronged approach, to establish the feasibility and gather
preliminary data on neurocognition before and after the intervention in these children;
these data would enable a larger randomized controlled study to assess the efficacy of this

Inclusion Criteria:

- molecular/cytogenetic confirmation of 22q11DS

Exclusion Criteria:

- Intelligence Quotient <60

- diagnosis of psychosis

- pregnancy

- home location does not permit participation in small groups
We found this trial at
Durham, North Carolina 27710
from 43215
Durham, NC
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