Integrating Palliative Care and Modern Palliative Care Tools Into the Care of Patients With Pancreas Cancer

Conditions:Cancer, Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:March 2014
End Date:March 2015
Contact:Thomas J Smith, MD

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iPC3 - Integrating Palliative Care and Modern Palliative Care Tools Into the Care of Patients With Pancreas Cancer

The main purpose of this study is to evaluate the acceptance by patients with metastatic
pancreas cancer of integrating palliative care with usual cancer treatment. Palliative care
intervention will involve use of pancreas cancer-specific decision aides (iPC3)about
prognosis, treatment choices, and advance care planning for patients facing a treatment
decision as well as symptom assessments. We hypothesize that palliative care consultations
with iPC3 will be accepted, symptoms can be diminished, information can be received in a way
that improves choices, and that the quality of care can be improved.

- Each patient undergoing treatment at Johns Hopkins for metastatic pancreas cancer will
receive palliative care support during their course to include: palliative care
consultation early in their treatment course; patient decision aids that give survival,
treatment benefits and risks; suggestions to complete such tasks as advance directives,
durable power of medical attorney, wills, family and spiritual reviews as recommend by
the American Society of Clinical Oncology; and when indicated, transition to hospice.

- Patient will have an iPad for their visit, and a corresponding website to print

- Each patient will assess their distress with the Distress thermometer; symptoms with
the Condensed Memorial Symptom Assessment Scale and a depression screen. This
information will be given to the health care practitioner before the patient visit.

- Patients facing a treatment decision will receive a Patient Information Program link
(or paper for those unable to work on the iPad) to review the diagnosis, prognosis,
specific benefits and risks with the proposed chemotherapy. This will then give
transition "prompts" to encourage thinking about advance directives, durable power of
medical attorney, use of hospice, and doing a life review.

- We will also offer a hospice information visit when patient has - in the projection of
the team or treating physician - 3 to 6 months to live.

- The palliative care team will meet at least monthly with each of the enrolled patients.

- Participants will be followed for as long as he or she is alive before receiving
hospice care.

Inclusion Criteria:

- All patients with metastatic pancreas cancer will be eligible, ages 18 and above.

- There is no limit to the amount of prior therapy for metastatic disease.

- Ability to understand and the willingness to sign a written informed consent document
and to answer a questionnaire.

- English speakers.

Exclusion Criteria:

- Patients who have tumors other than metastatic pancreas cancer.

- Patients who actively decline participation or who are judged to be in distress
before the interview.

- Patients who are pregnant.
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